By: Ujwala Bagal
The United States Department of State (DOS) recently updated the eligibility requirements for certain nonimmigrant visa interview waivers. This policy update will override the interview waiver update that was released on December 21, 2023.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to qualify for an interview waiver, applicants need to meet certain eligibility requirements. For example, applicants must apply in their country of nationality or residence. Additionally, waivers will not be granted to individuals who have a blatant or probable ineligibility or have been refused a visa before. Although, if that visa refusal was later waived or otherwise overturned, they may still qualify for an interview waiver.
Impacted Categories
Following the update outlined in the Immigration and Nationality Act section 222(h), consular officers retain the power to waive in-person interview requirements for additional categories, including:
o Certain applicants, such as attendants, servants, and some other personal employees of accredited officials do not qualify for the waiver.
In some cases, consular offices may require in-person interviews. The Chugh, LLP immigration team will continue to monitor eligibility requirements and provide updates as they become available. Additionally, certain consular offices will have their own requirements. Therefore, it is essential for applicants to stay up to date with their embassy or consular office’s rules. To learn more about nonimmigrant visa interviews, interview waivers, or case-specific questions, please contact your trusted Chugh, LLP immigration attorneys.
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